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Katalox Light Media filters

Key features of Katalox Light include:

  1. Filtration Efficiency:
    • Katalox Light is known for its high filtration efficiency, particularly in removing iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide, which are common contaminants in water.
  2. Porous Structure:
    • Similar to activated carbon, Katalox Light has a porous structure that allows for effective adsorption of impurities.
    • Adsorption is like how a sponge attracts and holds onto water. In adsorption, a surface, much like the sponge’s porous material, attracts and “grabs onto” molecules of a substance, allowing them to adhere to the surface without being absorbed into it.
  3. Catalytic Properties:
    • The media possesses catalytic properties, promoting oxidation and precipitation of contaminants, which can then be easily filtered out.
  4. Low Maintenance:
    • Resistance to Fouling: Katalox is resistant to fouling, meaning it is less prone to accumulating impurities on its surface. This characteristic contributes to maintaining its effectiveness over extended periods without requiring frequent cleaning or replacement.
    • Chemical Stability: Katalox exhibits excellent chemical stability, which means it remains effective in a variety of water conditions without undergoing chemical breakdown. This stability contributes to the low-maintenance nature of Katalox-based filtration systems.
    • Ease of Regeneration: In the event that regeneration or rejuvenation is needed, Katalox can often be easily restored to its original state, reducing the need for frequent media replacement
    • Longevity: Katalox is durable and has a long lifespan. It can withstand extended use without experiencing significant degradation, ensuring consistent filtration performance over time.
  5. Long Service Life:
    • It is designed to have a long service life, providing sustained filtration performance over time, relative to other iron removal medias like Pyrolox and Greensand.
  6. Physical Stability:
    • The media is designed to be stable physically, resisting fragmentation and maintaining its structural integrity during water treatment processes.

It’s important to note that the specific performance of Katalox Light can vary based on the water quality and the conditions of use. When considering water treatment options, it’s advisable to consult with water treatment professionals to determine the most suitable media for your specific needs.

To learn more from the manufacturers datasheet, click here.

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